Thomas J Emmer, DDS, PA has been practicing in the Morris County area longer than any other prosthodontist. The practice was started in 1962 in Mountain Lakes, New Jersey by Dr. Thomas J. Emmer, Senior who was a forerunner in local prosthodontic work and performed one of New Jersey’s very first implants.
Dr. T.J. Emmer, Junior joined his father in 1992 and took over the practice when his father retired in 2004. The practice remains a privately owned and family-run boutique focused on prosthetic dentistry.
Each year, Dr. Emmer treats patients from Morristown, Morris Plains, Madison, Florham Park and other neighboring towns in Northern, NJ.
Dr. Emmer takes a very holistic approach with every patient, working diligently to restore function and improve the patients’ comfort level while also carefully considering the impacts on appearance and prioritizing long-term oral health.
Many of Dr. Emmer’s patients choose to use him for ongoing general dentistry and regular check-ups to stay ahead of future issues and maintain a healthy outlook.
While Dr. Emmer is always familiar with the latest technologies, he is known to be conservative in his approach and will choose proven materials and techniques over the latest trends as appropriate.

Each year New Jersey Monthly magazine surveys New Jersey-based dentists who have been licensed in the state for at least five years and asks them who among their peers they consider to be "Top Dentists" in their category or specialty.
The list is then reviewed to make sure anyone with disciplinary action has been removed and a Professional Advisory Board reviews the list as well.
Dr. Emmer has been selected and approved every year since the awards inception. Read more about the methodology here.
1994. Post-Graduate Prosthetic Certificate, UMDNJ-NJDS
1992, Doctor of Medicine, UMDNJ-NJDS
1987, BA, Washington and Jefferson College
New Jersey Monthly Top Dentist

Professional Associations & Memberships
Seattle Study Club - Lecturer
Tri-County Dental Society - Board of Trustees, Delegate, Past President